Baobab College Fees Update 2021/2022
Baobab College fees for the school year 1st August 2020 – 31st July 2021 have been reduced by 10% for the full school year, in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fees are invoiced termly or annually for parents who wish to pay for the full school year. Payments must be made before the start of each term. 45% of annual fees are payable in term 1, 40% in term 2 and 15% in term 3.
For further information regarding the payment fees please enquire with the admissions team [email protected] or the Finance Manager [email protected]
Early Learning Centre $3,721 per year (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Reception $5,904 per year (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Primary Year 1 to Year 6 $8,125 per year (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Secondary Year 7 to Year 11 $9,709 per year (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Senior College $10,348 per year (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Registration (non-refundable) $285 (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Admission Fee (non-refundable) $945 (10% reduction from 2019/2020)
Refundable Deposit $2,000
(Refundable only if 90 days’ notice of withdrawal is given and no books or equipment are lost or damaged)
Sibling discounts for third and subsequent child are 2.5%. A discount of 5% is available for advance payment of fees for the whole year, and 2% for advance payment of the whole term.