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School News
2020 Grading System for University of Lusaka

2020 Grading System for University of Lusaka

Grading System

The University of Lusaka (UNILUS) hereby adopts the following grading system for undergraduates: –

Percentage Grade Points Description
86% – 100% A+ 5 Distinction
76% – 85% A 4 Distinction
66% – 75% B+ 3 Meritorious
61% – 65% B 2 Satisfactory
56% – 60% C+ 1 Clear Pass
50% – 55% C 0 Pass
0% – 49% D 0 Fail
WP Withdraw with Permission
Exempt Exempted
ABS Absent
DQ Disqualified
LT Left Examination Before Attempt
F Fail in a Practical/Oral/Industrial Attachment/Supplementary Examination/Redemption Test or Assignment
S Pass in a Practical/Oral/Industrial Attachment/Supplementary Examination/Redemption Test or Assignment
SUPP To take Supplementary Examinations
NE No Examination Taken
DF Deferred Examinations
DC Deceased

All undergraduate degrees shall be classified Distinction, Merit, Credit or Pass.

The points based classification of the undergraduate degrees shall be applied as follows for the aggregate grades obtained in the total number of courses sat in the third and fourth years only: –

No. of courses Distinction Merit Credit Pass
12 42.5+ 30.5 – 42 18.5 – 30 0 – 18
13 46+ 33 – 45.5 20 – 32.5 0 – 19.5
14 49.5+ 35.5 – 49 21.5 – 35 0 – 21
15 53+ 38 – 52.5 23 – 35 0 – 22.5
16 56.5+ 40.5 – 56 24.5 – 40 0 – 40
17 60+ 43 – 59.5 26 – 42.5 0 – 25.5
18 63.5+ 45.5 – 63 27.5 – 45 0 – 27
19 67+ 48 – 66.5 29 – 47.5 0 – 28.5

Please note that the Bsc Honours in Accounting and Finance is not classified.

Percentage Literal Points Description
75 – 100 A 4.0 Distinction
70 – 74 B+ 3.5 Meritorious
60 – 69 B 3.0 Very Satisfactory
56 – 59 C+ 2.5 Definate Pass
50 – 55 C 2.0 Bare Pass
40 – 49 D 1 Bare Fail
0 – 39% F Fail
S Pass in a Practical/Oral/Industrial Attachment/ Supplementary Examination/Redemption Test or Assignment
NE No Examination Taken
WP Withdraw with Permission


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